Human Journey Game
evoLutionary adVenture
of building New Kingdom
in melting darWINian order
A spacious floorgame to
explore, create and master
our play in the emerging new
World and inspiring next way
of our shared Human Life
“Play is the highest
form of research.”
[ Albert Einstein ]

kingdoms in the Cradle
The ring of Cradle fortress
surrounds whole territory of
the six Kingdoms on Uniotopia
eyeLand. The Cradle fortress
belongs to and is governed
by the six powerful Lords.
The majority of eyeLand’s
population works for Lords at
big factories and various other
centralized service enterprises
operating behind towering
walls of the Cradle fortress.

crumbling Fortress
The most fortunate families
have built together the great
fortress around all Kingdoms
to protect from competition
the consolidated supply of
vital goods and services.
The fortress is crumbling
because people not happy
with growing demands and
restrictions from the Lords
trying to save the Cradle
from upcoming collapse.

building New Kingdom
The most brave habitants
of Uniotopia are dreaming
about building together the
new Kingdom to showcase
the way out of dependency
on the fortress and Lords.
Adventurous Storytellers
are entering the eyeLand to
assist habitants of Uniotopia
in building the new Kingdom
and dealing with the hurdles
formed by Kings and Lords.

inspiring training Field
A spacious playground
on the home-floor brings
players together into our
shared evoLutionary Story
training field to explore
and co-create our future.
The Game returns to it’s
root function and role in
our Life - holding the space
and arranging the time for
learning how to engage
with the World and Life.